Picking the Perfect Cycling Bicycle is Easier Said Than Done

In recent times the western world has undergone a transportation change. Before the car was transport of choice but recently however the use of push bikes has become increasingly popular. This trend can be attributed to the idea of keeping things 'green' in a bid to take care of our planet. It doesn't hurt that gas is increasing in price either! Either way you will now find the roads filled with more cyclists than ever before. Have you been thinking about getting a bicycle? If this is the case it is important you know what to look for, the following tips will help you in your quest to find a suitable bike.

Cost is almost always a factor when trying to choose the right bike. Of course there are going to be other things to think about, like where you plan to ride or how long you will be using this bicycle, but the price is still most important.

The price ranges of good bikes go anywhere from the hundreds to the thousands. That doesn't mean all bicycles are going to cost that much, so don't worry; there is no reason why you can't find a great bicycle that is in your price range. Auctions are one of the best places to find a great bike that will be fairly inexpensive and still have everything you need.

For a road bike you should take away 9" from the inseam measurement you took earlier. The size of the tires a road bike uses are the reason for this. Designed to work best on concrete pavements, road bikes are best suited to cycling around the city. With a mountain bike you will need to take away around one foot from the inseam. Again this is to account for the type of tires you will be using. Mountain bike tires are thicker than road bike tires, designed for rocky terrain. It is possible to use mountain bikes for city cycling although this is not what they are best suited for.

Another thing to keep in mind is purchasing safety gear. Bicycles of then and bicycles of now are two completely different things. Now they offer better protection while being a little bit more stylish. You should never even think about riding the bike without first putting on your helmet. This little thing can mean the difference between life and death.

It wouldn't hurt to also grab some elbow and knee guards, as well as ankle and wrist guards, just in case you decide to take your bike off the road. Another piece of safety equipment that you should think about getting are pants clips, especially if you are going to be using your bike as a primary mode of transportation. Pants clips are designed to hold your pants in place so they click resources don't get caught up in the chain or the gears of the bike.

There are lots of things to think about when you are trying to find the right cycling bicycle to fit your needs. It can become a bit overwhelming when going shopping for a bike and accessories because there is just so much to choose from. As long as you go about the process slowly and research a little before you go, you should have no problem finding the perfect bike.

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